
Grandsun and Xidian University Jointly Established an Information Processing Lab

2016-11-30 14:48:00

After several rounds of communication and preparation in the previous period, on November 30, 2016, Xidian University – Grandsun Information Processing Joint Lab was officially inaugurated.

The laboratory relying on the Xidian University, covering research directions of intelligent perception and image processing, big data mining analysis, image intelligent processing, and text cognition, etc., acts as an innovation platform to apply for external projects, strengthen mutual technical cooperation, carry out Academic exchanges and jointly train high-level talents. It is also a powerful complement to Grandsun's technology innovation system. Grandsun has always been committed to building a cooperative alliance of industry, university and research institutes, strengthening alliances with top universities and complementing each other's strengths, realizing the industrialization of theoretical results of universities and make its products more competitive in the market.